Sunday, June 20, 2021

Postcard Mail Art

I’ve gotten quite lucky of late to receive Postcrossing names that are open to receiving handmade art postcards.  It helps to satisfy my desire to make art on a small scale.  Then send it out into the world.

This first postcard is a terrible blurry photo.  I can’t believe I didn’t notice that.  I have to post it at a small size in order not to damage anyone’s eyesight.

This next one was a request for a private swap.  We decided on collage.  My favorite art.

This next card started with this collage base of paper strips.  This was my first time using Collage Medium.  I definitely don’t get along well with this glue medium...yet.  This is the only process photo I took.

But I was happy with my end result.

Next, this postcard was quite fun to create.  The Postcrosser said she liked postcards about postcards.  So this was my design side.  She’s been in Postcrossing for a lot of years and had already sent and received some 5,000+ postcards.  I’m rather certain this will not be a duplicate.

This last postcard was an experiment with paint and stencils and a bit of Distress inks.  The background got kind of busy on me but I didn’t totally dislike it so I continued to add stenciled numbers, washi tape and modeling paste through stencils.


These Tim Holtz paper dolls women seemed a good fit for this correspondence postcard.  After being pen pals since they were young girls, they finally get to meet in person.



  1. Annie, these postcards are great! I really like the Tim Holtz paper dolls and the turtle on the scooter is too cute! So glad you can continue to make postcards and send them into the world! I love mine!

  2. Fabulous postcards, beautiful art works, all of them. The recipients will be happy! Hugs, Valerie

  3. Lovely collection of cards there Annie. I wonder if your Distress gel is like the matte medium I use for glueing. The flower cut out is a really good one. xx

  4. You are SO talented. I am in absolute LOVE with all of them. I learned about a new product, too, but I doubt I'll be buying it anytime soon. I especially like the first and last ones. The paper dolls are just the right size for these, too.

  5. These are amazing postcards Annie. You made some beauties. I hope you share the ones you receive back in these swaps. Happy new week to you also. Hugs-Erika

  6. Thanks for this great inspiration. These cards are so wonderful. If you shouldn't know where to send a card, I'm so ready to get a new one. Hugs from Norway.

  7. I love your postcard art, Annie! They always look different and you use so many different elements, so I am sure it's fun to experiment. If there was more time to do it all, I would try more of this style of art, but I will leave it to the experts like you!

  8. You inspired me to join Postcrossing, thank you! I'm locked into quilting and happily so, but don't have time for making my own postcards - yet.

    1. Oh, Mary, how great that is! It’s a little maddening waiting for those first postcards to arrive. But they accumulate quickly. I am up to 18 being able to travel and I never have that many traveling, so it’s fun that I can send a postcard pretty much whenever I want. I hope you enjoy it. I wish I could reply to you directly but you are a no-reply blogger. :-(

  9. These are all fantastic! I treasure the one you sent to me many years ago, I am sure these will be equally appreciated. :-)

  10. I love all of your postcards, every one of them has turned out perfect. I especially like the white and the red flower elements.
    I have missed spending time with your last few posts but this morning I took the time to look back at them, spent an enjoyable hour looing back at what I missed and revisited several more posts. Thanks for sharing all your small art pieces and the process you go though.

  11. Those are wonderful, Ann!! I'm particularly fond of the ones with flowers.

  12. One of these days I hope to surprise you with one!!

  13. I love your turtle on the scooter - so cute. They all look fabulous.

  14. What an amazing collection of art postcards. Where to start?
    With the tortoise on the scooter, of course. He looks as if he is having a lovely time.
    Scoot, scoot. And there is a butterfly there too.
    Next, the one with the collaged strips and the fantastic red flower. The collaged strips have melted into the background and there is a strip (washi tape?) of lovely colourful hearts. I like the ransom-type font too.
    The first is rather splendid and looks like an old botanical drawing but with modern collage techniques, how clever that is. And there is another butterfly.
    I enjoyed looking at all of these and trying to work out how you made some bits.

  15. Your postcards are always delightful! They are fun and creative, and I find inspiration in each of them. Such artistic sensibility!


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