Monday, December 5, 2022

Postcard Craze

I’ve been in a fabric postcard making mood.
A couple of friends and I went to the June Tailor warehouse sale recently, so I made them each a postcard with bits of some of the fabrics I bought there.  Unexpected surprise mail is the best mail…in my opinion.

A recent name draw for Postcrossing…she likes goth, tattoos, Edgar Allen Poe and skulls.

What started this current postcard craze was an idea for Christmas postcards. 

I don’t normally make so many alike.  I put them together assembly line style.  The trees were die cut. 


I was not looking forward to hand stitching so many sequins!  But it wasn’t so bad and went along a lot quicker than I thought it would.

I die cut the words on the backs from metallic paper. 

Happy mail day!


  1. Oh my such great postcards! I love the first 2 cards with a touch of selvage and is that railroad track yarn on one? Also called ladder yarn. I have a few skeins of that kind of yarn and have used as an embellishment along with decorative stitching on a bag before, but postcards would be another great way to use it. Now if that isn't yarn, then please tell me what it is. I think those Christmas Tree cards look great! I do not like making exact multiples of the same thing either and I would need to change each one a little bit to alleviate boredom for myself, lol!!! And the back of the card looks gorgeous too! Thanks for so much inspiration Annie! I might use a few of your ideas. Hugs!

  2. Oh I forget to mention that instead of sewing on sequins, you could use hot fix colored crystals if you have them or want to buy some. Then no sewing at all and you can add them at the very end of the postcard making.

  3. What a wonderful art works as the Postcrossing!
    Love everyone; you are very talented.

  4. Your postcards are wonderful!! I love seeing how creative you get with them. The "Jingle All the Way" on the back of your Christmas cards finishes them off in style!

  5. I especially like what you did with the fabric you got at the June Taylor sale. Those are fantastic and my favorite.

    I settle on a design and make assembly like items. They are all a bit different because they were not made using a machine, but were hand made. I think that's the same with your amazing trees.

    Loved the skeleton and raven. I bet she will love it.

  6. You always have such great ideas for postcards and finish them off beautifully. I do like the leaf ones. xx

  7. Such fantastic cards. You always come up with new ideas. I love your cards.

  8. What a fabulous selection of fabric postcards Annie. I really love those leaf ones especially.
    Hope you have a lovely weekend.

  9. As always, it is a treat to see your post cards. Your cards pack a big punch in a small piece of art. They are always so well done and I love seeing all the little details in your work. Assembly line is sometimes the best way to go when you have a good design and you can spread the joy around to many; especially when you add hand sewn details that make each one different. Your borders look so perfectly finished with the different stripes that complement each work of art..

  10. Your postcards are lovely. How do you do the border? Does it cover the entire card or is it just an actual border?
    Thank you-

  11. Hello glassyladyks, you are a noreply blogger, and have not included an email on your profile, so this is the only way can answer your question. My postcard borders wrap around the edge of my cards. I have a tutorial showing how I make my cards from start to finish here: Thank you for your kind words.

  12. How do I become a reply blogger? Thank you.

  13. Blogger has gotten complicated and confusing as time goes on, but I think you just need to add your email address to your profile. (I’m glad you checked back to see my response for the tutorial).


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