I felt like a real artist.
I don't normally call or categorize myself as any type of artist. I just play is all.
But while I worked on this piece of envelope art, I actually felt like an artist. Maybe that is only because I was recreating an artist's paint tin.
I am going to say it out loud. I'm pretty pleased with myself. This is SO not me. And although there are several things about this envelope that I would change, I'm surprised I got this far with it.
I saw some altered paint tins in the magazine, Artists' Café, made by Connie Govea Stuart. I LOVE them! And I thought I could maybe make an envelope art. I started with just dividing the envelope in half. Then I drew lines and rounded corners. The lines are not precise. Shocking for me!
Anyway, the paint pats are too big, the words are too high and I'd like to find a paintbrush ephemera or clip art to add to it, but other than that, I'm so surprised I did this!
I want to mail this envelope, but not for awhile. I have to enjoy it, as I still don't feel like I made it. I'd like to try another, but I'm not very good at making some things more than once, and the second usually doesn't turn out better.
Thanks for indulging me with this post and sharing my moment with me.