Saturday, October 14, 2017

Calendar Journal and Sewing

My September calendar journal is complete.  You will see we were moving back home and I’ve been swamped with busy ever since.

I do still get some reading in while having lunch and before going to sleep sometimes.

October has been ready and I’ve managed to keep notes until I could fill in the blocks.

While having coffee and looking through Pinterest, I saw that my cousin-in-law pinned soup bowl cozys to her sewing board.  I’ve seen them many times and never felt a need for them.  Don’t eat much soup.  But while I was eating my morning mush for breakfast, I suddenly HAD to have a bowl cozy...more as a bowl potholder than to actually cook with it in the microwave.  (A person must sew with 100% cotton thread for the cozy to be microwave proof).  I didn’t have any of that thread for my first couple of cozy’s.  I have since purchased some for those who might want to use their cozy in the mic.

These cozys are so quick and easy.  An internet search will bring up a variety of ways to make them.  Mush is much more fun to eat now!