Sunday, March 4, 2012

Twister Tool Twist
(This is blogger's orange?!!)

When I first got my Little Twister Tool I really "needed" to give it a try.  I did not want to sew squares together, I wanted to try it on something I already had.  I'm a very patient sort wouldn't you say? The only thing I already had was some strips sewn together, so I lined it up on one seam and cut.  And then sewed those blocks together.  I also cut the opposite "waste" blocks for another one.  I then framed them in a green, bordered them with an orange  stripe, quilted and bound them, and now I have a couple of new Fall potholders!

I'm always "what ifing" and on the lookout for how a tool can be used for other than it's intended purpose...'cause I like different.  And I so like what came from this "what if".  Especially since this little bugger cost me $10 I'm real happy to have an alternative design for it.  I've even found some inspiration while putting together this what if...................

Happy Twisting


Kathy MacKie said...

Another great idea from you Annie, keep them coming.

Rachel said...

LOVE it! I don't own the tool, but when I am tempted at least I will have a second use for it!! Thanks!!

carol said...

You, for sure, are the mother of invention!!

Lesley said...

Oh you creative soul! I too have that little ruler and awaiting to try it out. It keeps moving lower on my "to do" list. I think because it seems like I'll have to make two quilt tops. Too little time. You are so brave and it worked! Well,done!

Ramona said...

I'm trying to follow what you did exactly. Were they just strips of fabric and you picked a line from your tool and cut four matching squares? And how exactly did that leave you a "waste square" the exact opposite of your first cuts? Maybe time for a quick tutorial? Or else I will just have to go invest $10 and see if I can figure it out. Love the orange potholders though! Another Annie Winner!

Judy D in WA said...

What fun, cute potholders. Now what if.....

Cindy Sharp said...


Createology said...

Your new potholders are really fabulous. Such an intricate design from that plain simple clear acrylic square with two black lines on it?!? I like your curiosity...what if.

Grammasheri said...

Pretty cool Annie. I have the little twister too but haven't used it yet. Now I'm inspired!

Barb said...

I love your potholders and what a fun thing to do with your twister. I had that ruler but it got lost in the mail when I sent it to my niece...oh well...

Anonymous said...

Love your using strips idea! I will definitely do this!

Snoodles said...

Your potholders are gorgeous...but I'm not quite following how you did it. (Sorry, I'm just a visual learner, so I'm slow on the uptake! LOL) Anywho, your results speak for themselves - brilliant move, m'dear!

pinsandneedles said...

I also love when tools can be used for more than one thing. You just increased its value. Thanks for sharing!

Jane's Fabrics and Quilts said...

Annie, Annie, I love how your mind works!!

Michele said...

I don't have that tool either but I heard something about it somewhere in quilt blog land before. I don't know much about it and what it is for. I'd love to learn more.

Michele said...

I don't have that tool either but I heard something about it somewhere in quilt blog land before. I don't know much about it and what it is for. I'd love to learn more.

Michelle said...

I have a Little Twister and have enjoyed its original purpose, but since I have "Alton Brown"itis, I feel a tool should have more than one purpose. I can't wait to play around after seeing your potholders. Thanks for being so creative.

Sparky said...

Sew many angles to you and your quilts...which makes us sew interested in you...

sheila 77 said...

Not too sure how you used the twister, but I like the results.

Beverly said...

I have the tool and love what you did with it...could you follow up with a tutorial showing us how you laid the tool on the stripe to do the cuts? I'm a visual learner...