Monday, April 2, 2012

Altered Dresden

The unPillow 

I have this fat eighth collection that my friend Carol (mamacjt) shared with me just before I fled Wisconsin. 

Fat eighths make me think small project(s).  But there seems to be a lot more to a fat eighth than meets the eye.  A while back I made a couple of small projects with these and then decided to challenge myself to how many quiltie things I can make with the collection.  My flickr group of projects is here

I pulled out the predominantly pink pieces for this quiltie project.  I used my little Easy Dresden ruler to cut the wedges.  I stitched in a center circle and then satin stitched a spiral inside.

The spiral felt off centered (even though it wasn't), so I did a straight stitch following the spiral.  It still felt off.  Then the stitched-in center piece looked way less than perfect, so I cut and fused a ring to cover that ugly seam and it all came into a better perspective for me.  Plus I really like the way that light colored fabric ring looks.


I loved how this looked the entire time I worked on it. 

With the fixes to the center, it took on a whimsical look so I added a pink "stick".  I was SO happy with it.

Then I put the pillow form inside and my spirits took a spiraling dive!  It just doesn't look right as a pillow.  I hate that!

I think the design gets too distorted.  So, now what?  Well, I think maybe I'll try putting a thin foam piece inside and try it as a chair back cushion.  I'll just have to wait until it inspires me to know exactly what it should be.  But dang it all, I wanted it as a pillow!

There were some scraps left after cutting the wedges and the inside of the fabric ring was left as well.  I put them into the back.

This means I'm still on pillow #4.  So, I'll be back...



Rachel said...

I love it! LOVE! You So need to come to SoCal and teach me to sew...LOL..I was going to make a smart alec remark about how you could send it to me and I would be happy to love it...and then I went to the Flickr. Girl, you are SO talented. I love them all!

carol said...

See....did you read the comment above???? Hello!!! I told you it probably wasn't as bad as you thought and I was RIGHT (like always!!) I think it's darling and I think the only reason you're not crazy about it is because it poofs out where you didn't expect it to poof out. Maybe put it away for a few weeks and look at it again with fresh eyes. I bet then it will look totally better to you!

tubakk said...

I love your work, and have always done. This is beautiful as whatever you decide to use it for. So just you relax!

beaquilter said...

this looks lovely! I like the pillow but it's cuter as a flat wall hanging maybe, or the way you took the picture. don't get me wrong the pillow is still CUTE! keep it, you'll learn to love it!

Mrs.Pickles said...

very pretty I really like the colours

Lesley said...

Oh, Annie, I love it as a pillow and as a wall hanging. I wish you could give me just a little tiny bit of your creativity! Your design gene is the Flickr pics. A fat eight really does go far!

Doris said...

I love it... your pillows have all been so creative.

pinsandneedles said...

I do love it but I can see what you mean about the design getting distorted by the shape. I love the whimsy design though!

Michele said...

I was going to say the same thing Bea said...that I like it just as it as a wall hanging.

Karen O said...

Absolutely adorable. I think the dresden ruler will be my next Joann coupon purchase. And what is this about fleeing Wisconsin? That is my neighboring state and so pretty!

Createology said...

This is the best pillow that I have seen in a very long time. I love the colors, the fabrics and your wonderful whimsical design! Blissful!!!

Grammasheri said...

It looks different "pillowed" than in its flat state, but different is not necessarily a bad thing. I love it both ways. It is truly beautiful. Embrace the pillowing Annie...embrace the pillowing...

Cliodana said...

wow this design is fabulous! a placemat will be great with it! imagine.. in the middle of your garden table... with a bottle of strawberries limonade... sunglass and a very good book in your hands... (Ok... maybe winter is to long for me... miss my flowers and tired of wearing coat!)
nice day to you

Dogwood Lane Rambles said...

The pillow form makes it look three dimensional maybe that's throwing you. I think it's fabulous either way. Where would you put the pillow? Put it there and move on if you don't like it in a week change it.

sheila 77 said...

If you hadn't said anything I would have thought the pillow was fabulous and very unusual, but it does also look very good as a flat mini quilt with the flower flaunting itself. I love your idea of seeing how many things you can make with a small collection of fabrics.

Snoodles said...

As the bball guys would say, you hit a tri-fectah!! LOL Gorgeous fabrics and a fabulous pillow and a lovely, whimsical wallhanging. Chin up, girl, you are rocking those prints like nobody's business! Love it!

Elsa said...

OOOH, just love this! It has a candy feeling ~ it's so sweet!

Cynthia said...

That is super cute! I love the little swirl you sewed in the middle too!

Silvana (Silort on flickr) said...


Karen said...

I totally love this pillow - and wish I could flee Wisconsin at times too :)

Minka said...

Adorable use of the fabric. Love the spiral...and the way you set if off-center.

Barb said...

That is so the colors...

Sparky said...

Oh wow I love darn unique

Lapplisor said...

Hi Annie
This pillow have you worked really wonderful - the colors are excellent, with the pattern. A great idea!
Even your last works inspire me again.
"Happy stiching" I wish you continued -
because I'm the same - a few days - on vacation :-)
See You

StitchinByTheLake said...

What an amazing piece! The spiral center was inspired. Blessings, Marlene

Carol said...