Saturday, May 12, 2012

Blooming Dresden
Table Mat

I'm not the biggest fan of the Dresden plate.  I don't dislike it but it isn't a favorite design.  However, I really like playing with the Dresden ruler wedge lately.

For this piece I traced the 8" ruler wedge.  Shrank the tracing with my printer to 3 different sizes plus a partial wedge. 

I fused the pieces to the background and stitched them down with a raw edge applique technique.  Easy peasy!  The binding is not bias, it's straight grain.  I don't like doing bias if I don't have to.

This piece is another make with this fabric collection for a personal challenge.  Other pieces can be seen in my flickr photostream here
Confession:  One fabric piece is not part of this fabric collection but I didn't want to keep repeating too many of the prints to make enough wedges so I just added one more print to the collection.  Is that cheating?  Maybe I can't count it in that challenge.
I've made a couple of table mats for my daughter and she said she'd like to have "some" more.  I'll have to send this to her eventually, but right now I just can't part with it.  I like it and want to enjoy it for awhile before I package it up and send it off. 

Now I can get back to work on my "Man Quilt" that I started back in January.  It's ready to quilt...I'm always so excited when a quilt is ready to be quilted.  See ya ~



Gill said...

I love it!

Karen said...

This is amazing! I love the design!

Cynthia said...

How cute! You will laugh when you see this quilt I have been working on lately...very similar idea and colors as yours! Funny!

Cliodana said...

love this Annie, so beautiful, love the circle!

Rachel said...

I love dresdens, I have that ruler, I fully plan to copy you, be warned, LOL! LOVE it!

pinsandneedles said...

Absolutely adorable! Love the colors and the modern dresden! Love it!

Nicole said...

Love what you've done with the dresden, Annie! I can see why you don't want to part with it!
Did you just add sashing between the wedges? How did you handle the center?

Grammasheri said...

It is really pretty Annie. The colors are scrumptious and I like your take on the dresden. Genius, as usual!

Lesley said...

This is adorable! You are stronger than I am, 'cause I don't think I could ever part with it!

Michele said...

Really cool. I just may have to give this a try myself.

Elsa said...

Love it! I would be really cool looking to continue the spokes out and make it a big quilt!

Jane's Fabrics and Quilts said...

I think I am in LOVE!!!

Createology said...

Such a fun twist from the traditional. Happy quilting...

Snoodles said...

(Clapping) Bravo, bravo! Dare I say "encore"? What will you think of next? LOL This is wonderful, Annie - I love it. They say that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, so don't be surprised if you see these popping up elsewhere! Heehee!

waggonswest said...

What a unique take on the dresden pattern. I love the colors too.

Diane N said...

That is very cute! Love it!

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous! I have the same ruler and you can bet I'll give this a try. i love the fusing idea.


sheila 77 said...

I love it when an old (and maybe a bit boring?) pattern is made beautiful and modern. I also love your idea of making lots of pieces with the same fabrics. Great design and colours.

Barb said...

I love your table mat.

Sheila said...

I have never been a Dresden fan but this is the best I have ever seen.

West Michigan Quilter said...

I love this Dresden table mat. Can you tell me how it holds up during washing? I love this type of quilting, but am afraid of fraying over time. What type of fuse did you use.

folksmith said...

Love this!