Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Altered Dictionary - E

The Alpha Challenge Letter this fortnight is
and my word is
Cut and paste.  The stylish lady is cut from a Stampers' Sampler magazine.  Isn't she fabulous?!  I was trying to keep track of names for art credit, but they are mixed up and misplaced.  The words are stamped.
I already enjoy browsing through this dictionary and finding the altered pages. 
This Alpha Challenge is hosted by The Craft Barn 


West Michigan Quilter said...

So cute! What a clever idea. I never use my dictionary any more as I just use the computer to look words up. This would be a fun way to put that old thing to use!

Cliodana said...

such a cute idea! will be fun playing with words like that, love it! you have so funny idea! I kept journaling since i saw you january calender!!! very funny and a good ''myself'' therapy, help me focus on happy thing when the kids are too intense for me! :)
nice day to you

Judy D in WA said...

Oh So Cute!!! I love her knees and ankles. She is a sassy little thing!

carol said...

I see that you continue to have fun! YEAH!!!

Karen said...

hahaha! Love her knees haha!!! Fantastic humourous page again Annie :D Thank you for taking part again with The Craft Barn x

JansArtyJunk said...

Fabulous image...great choice of word....love how you have stamped a little sentiment on your lovely page :) ....Jan x

my cup of tea said...

What a fun Idea! Love the lady in red!

sheila 77 said...

Exude? - now that was not an Easy word to choose. This lady is very at home in this page and you are making this an Extremely interesting challenge, Annie, this is Excellent work.

Elaine said...

What a great image - love your page!

Lesley said...

Yep, she is definitely a vogue gal, with an attitude! Well done!

waggonswest said...

Yet another fun one!

Silvia(Barnie) said...

That's cool.

Sue said...

Annie this is wonderful, what a great choice of word.

ellen gets crafty said...

"E" is for excellent!! What a cute, sassy lady!

BJ said...

Sounds like you are keeping the dictionary intact and just adding pictures, love it, what a super dictionary to use in future. BJ

Createology said...

I can only imagine someone in the very far future having never seen an altered dictionary...or even a real dictionary...will be so amazed at the beautiful art in yours. Miss Vogue really does exude! Creative Hearts are Happy Hearts...

Rachel said...

This is going to be such a treasure! Love the "V".

Karen said...

So cute, love this :)

bohemiannie! art said...

Couldn't be any better. Love your take on the word!

♥ Mys ♥ said...

Love this page of yours :)
*Hugs, Inger*

Snoodles said...

Heehee! Girl, you exude talent! Love this one!

Maggie said...

Great page with a difficult word choice!


Scrapmate said...

What a fabulous word choice.

Anonymous said...

She is fabulous indeed and so is your page again.
Thanks for playing with us at the Craft Barn
(and thanks for the comment on my blog too ;))

paulaexuk said...

Hahaha! Thank you for this truely fabulous lady. She really does exude Vogue

Sandy said...

Very clever indeed - I love it!! And the word you have chosen is perfect for this lady - sweating vogue! Love it!!!

Valerie-Jael said...

Love this, Annie, and the quote is great -nobody would ever think that of me! Hugs, Valerie

Joan said...

Great fun page,love her knees!

lena-dailyscrap said...

Great idea - love the image!

Suzi B said...

fabulous I love the clean symplicity.
Suzi B :)

Dawn said...

Annie this is brilliant, I love it. Lol she has knees like mine!!!!!!!!
Huge hugs x

Susan said...

This is adorable!

Sylvia said...

Fantastic idea, love the bendy knee lady, a fun page.

Sylv xx

Nan G said...

Fab word! Nicely done.