Sunday, October 19, 2014

Skeleton Mail Art and Tutorial

Two mail art envelopes.  One addressed to each of a couple. 
I saw this idea on flickr, here, as postcards.  But I wanted envelopes, and here is how I did this.
I first stamped my skeleton head on paper.  I then put the stamped paper in my copier and enlarged the image to the size I wanted for the two envelopes.
The image copied beautifully.  The crinkle in the paper is because I retrieved the paper from the trash when I decided to make a tutorial of my process.

I then taped, with blue painters tape, my envelopes side by side over the top of the enlarged imaged so that the image will print on the envelope where I want them.
  I then inserted the envelope sheet into my copier paper tray and photocopied the image onto the envelopes.

The darkness at the bottom is shadow while taking the photos.
I removed the tape and proceeded to color with ink the design.  I stamped Happy Halloween on tracing paper and cut out the letters in blocks.  They are spray glued to the envelopes.
I added a stamped cat image on one envelope and bats on the other.  I also stamped the verse.

The envelopes were addressed and postage added on the backsides.
I mailed the envelopes together but later hoped they would arrive on different days just to add a bit of mystery.  They arrived together.
This was a fun little project.
Happy Haunting!

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Pinwheel Quilt the 2nd

This is the pinwheel quilt that almost wasn't.
98 pinwheels later and it's a quilt.
(Yes, Sheila, I miscounted)
The reason it almost wasn't is because the 98 pinwheels would have had to have been sewn together by way of improve.  That would have taken me forever and NEVER would have gotten done. 
So I had to decide on a more structured layout.  I had too many pinwheels already made and didn't want them laying around to remind me of a failed idea.

I worked at this quilt diligently until it was finished because I didn't really want to make it after the layout disappointment.  I knew if I stopped it would become a UFO.  I don't want quilt UFOs.

Quilting this quilt was quite the challenge.  The 3 second rate purple air soluble markers I bought would make two or three lines across the quilt then spit purple ink blobs on it !!!! When I finally gave in and bought the Dritz brand..... 

all was well and quilting went like a breeze.
You can't even imagine how happy I was when the binding was on and the quilt was done.
 I think I've satisfied my pinwheel making desire for awhile now.
This pinwheel quilt was made with the same fabric collection as I made this Fractured quilt.
It fascinates me how different they look.
And now I've HAPPILY moved on to a quilt that's looking exactly how I hoped it would.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

8 More Little Wallets

I'm still addicted to making these Little Wallets, although not exclusively this time. 
I'm sneaking in making them in between other larger projects.....whenever I need a quick cute and colorful fix.

Some have found their way into mailboxes as a surprise.  I've had many suggestions to sell them.  But I'm not a seller. I'm a giver-away-er.  For me, making things for sell translates into W O R K !!!  Sewing is fun and I intend to keep it that way.  And "giving" is pure joy.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Stripey Squares Halloween Pillow

I've been seeing some quilts made with what I call stripey squares.  I already made a quilt like that a few years ago, but I was inspired to make some more stripey square blocks.  I decided to go small for a pillow cover.  And to use my Halloween stripes.
I even put on my modern brave girl panties and mixed some stripes within a few of the blocks.  I sit on the fence about that design idea.  Sometimes I like it, if the block, as a whole, blends pretty well.  Otherwise, it's not a favorite for me. 

Finally my Halloween quilt has a Halloween pillow to go with.
  Halloween fabrics are the MOST FUN to play with for me.
Happy Fall

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

13 "Little Wallets"

Once I got started making this Little Wallet pattern by Valori Wells, I couldn't stop.  I loved making them!  So much so that you could say I was obsessed with making them for four days.
More than a year ago, I was gifted a couple of these wallets by very dear blogger friends.  I've used them and I've loved them.  But I didn't want to make them until now.  And I thought I'd be lucky to just get through one.  Little did I know THIS would happen!  haha

I think there will probably be a few more too.  My title says there are 13 but you only see twelve.  I'm already using one.
So how many ways can these be used?
The usual:
Gift Cards
Credit Cards
And what else?
I keep condensed medical info handy on my family. 
You never know when you might need this info quick.
How about shopping info that's hard to memorize, like sizes, brands, favorite colors.
The annual Christmas shopping list will need to be handy soon.
Small Notes Paper
What other ideas can we think of?