Sunday, January 13, 2013

The passing of
...... Time ......
no longer flies by
... ______________________ ...
A strange revelation it is, but just at an age where time more than ever seems to fly by, I've managed to slow it down.  And I've done it by simply starting this art calendar journal. 
I really look forward to filling in the little blocks with word bits that tell something about that day.  My current life includes no resemblance to anything by way of the definition of the word "exciting".  But I am excited each day to find something to write about in the day's block.  This is the very thing that has now made each and every day count for something.  Even in the simplest way.  And it feels like time has slowed down.
 I have enough space to add that the 49ers beat the Packers yesterday.  (I was rooting for the Packers)
Every single day now there are several minutes of pure happiness while I fill in those blocks.  Plus the many minutes here and there throughout the day while I ponder on the so far today possibilities to document.
Thank you Kate Crane!
Have a great day,

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Art Calendar - February

...and now
February 2013
is ready...

I punished myself with the idea of the b&w between the journaling blocks.

But I really like how it turned out.  This month, like January, is a mix of fabric and scrapbook papers as well as stickers.  The hearts are from Lisa's Altered Art , the envelope and rose are Internet downloads.
I'm quite pleased with the end result of this month.  I am having the best time mixing medias to create this journal.

  I have been missing doing some scrapbooking.  My scrapbooking supplies are not in the same place that I am.  Creating this journal is much like scrapbooking for me, so I'm thoroughly enjoying this the moment.

Happy day to you!

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Art Calendar - January

Art Calendar Journal  

This is an ongoing project of Kate Crane's,   the kathryn wheel. It's a year of journaling your life, and Kate invites all interested to join her annual journey.
I'm definitely not looking at this as a "challenge", although the flickr group is titled Art Calendar 2013 365 Challenge  That terrible word!..."challenge".  No, for me it will be a project.
I really like the idea of this project, because I think I will enjoy filling in the squares.  The part that scares me is the designing of monthly pages.  I'm not sure I'll be able to keep up with that.  But I'm sure gonna try.
I don't do artsy with paints and inks, but I love fabric and scrapbook papers.  This January spread has lots of sewing, but with the freedom of personal choice, I don't feel I need to stick to one specific spread design theme.  So, when it gets "hairy", I think I can cut and paste a paper month quickly enough to keep up with this.  We'll see.
I'm making double page spreads using two 8.5" X 11" pages.  I will keep them in a scrapbook album.  I'll show that when I show the completed month (and after I purchase the album).
I notice that here I am stuck in the standard January box.  Blue and white, cold and blustery looking.  That must be why I really wanted to start with February...LOVE red!
My biggest fear is that my personal time is so limited, that this project might consume all of it.  Again, we'll see.

I also fear that many of the highlights of my day will just be work, cooking, cleaning or laundry.  So I have a plan for alternative entries when those days become monotonous.  But, for the most part, I'm going to look for the positive moments of my days to journal.
Have a great day!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Sunday Postcard Art - Open Theme

Sunday Postcard Art
This week's theme at SPA (Sunday Postcard Art) is an open theme...the only week of the year to create whatever my little heart desires. 
And my little heart desires to indulge my own desires a little more this year of 2013.
Selfishly yours,

Sunday, December 30, 2012

It never FAILS... I always 
FAIL !!!

I have had to face the fact that I cannot challenge myself to a challenge.  I don't think I've ever completed a personal or public challenge to date!
My most recent personal challenge that I made public was my pillow a month make one pillow for each month of the year.  I really thought that was a simple enough challenge to succeed with.  WRONG!  I managed all of 7 pillows.

I didn't even like all of them.
And then there was the one I did not like as a pillow...

...but love it flat as a wall hanging.

And there are two others started but not finished.  I can at least say I gave it a good go. 

Within a span of 48 hours I decided on a new challenge for myself for 2013 and soon enough, faced the facts that I really won't get through it.  I really want to do these things, but I guess I'm just not cut out to stick with the same old same old day after day or month after month. 

Now finally I have "challenged" myself to figure out why this is.  My conclusion is that I challenge myself to accomplish something over a years time at a time when I have nothing particular in the works.  Then as time is moving along, inspiration begins to strike that leads me off into another direction.  And that keeps happening over and over throughout the year.

Now I'll just face the truth of it and go with the here and now and follow 2013 where it leads me.
I'm pretty excited about 2013 for the silly reason that I like the number 13.  This makes me wonder what this coming new year has in store for me and for all of us.  Naturally I hope for good we all hope for.  We could sure use a good break couldn't we.
Happy New Year
to all!

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Sunday Postcard Art - Blue/Silver

View From the Stars
this week the theme for the
Sunday Postcard Art Challenge is
Blue and Silver

Since Christmas wrap is still surrounding me in my studio space, I thought it might be fun to see how some of this silver star wire garland would play out on a postcard.  The card is also top stitched with silver metallic thread.  The rubber stamp is by Hampton Art.

I have two postcards now needing homes.  This one, (which would need to travel inside an envelope for I fear there'd be no stars upon it's naked arrival), and these

Desert Flowers ...
...that see all with their googlie eye centers.  (I might suggest an envelope for this one as well.  Googlie eyes are pretty tough, but maybe not as tough as our postal workers).
This postcard, # Man
arrived at his destination naked with no flower for his new owner and no shoes as well a couple of joints missing.  This was my very first sad experience with mailing a naked postcard.
Holiday Joy, 

Sunday, December 16, 2012

It's all there's been time for...
It's Christmas Time!
So, we'll just skip right over all the woas Me's because it's just plain that time of year.  I find that it all comes together best with the right frame of mind...a festive and patient frame of mind.
But I do so miss sewing time.  All I've managed since my last post is two more bottle/can wraps.
This special MEGA wrap for my sweet friend,  Carol (mamacjt) .  If you have a peek at her flickr, you'll see that it certainly doesn't look so mega on her MEGA go-cup!  That wrap is made to wrap a 10"! container!

I enjoyed the design enough that I wanted to try it with lime fabrics.  I really like the impact the narrow black strips have on the base colors.
I must get back to my wrapping, packaging, shipping and all other Christmas festivities now.  I love being able to sew leisurely during the last few days before Christmas.  As well as enjoying the lights and decorations and food and family and friends. 
a Merry Christmas to all,

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Bottle/Can Wraps
I actually made these more as a drink owner's identity wrap.  Being functional is a bonus.

Is this your water?  Is this my drink?  How many times does that question arise?  Is this yours, is this mine?
I made these candy jar wraps a couple of years ago or so based on a mug wrap from the book "I Believe" by Nancy Halverson.

I re-sized Nancy's pattern instructions to fit the candy jars and again now to fit the water bottles and a 12oz. drink can.  I considered posting a tutorial for these wraps, but since it's based on Nancy's pattern, I'm thinking I might be illegal if I did that...don't want to be illegal.

These are going to be little Christmas gifts.  I just needed to know the recipients favorite color.  After that I was having the time of my life.  These are really fun to make...and easy peasy too!  Lots of the strips came from my scrap bins.

(work in progress photo)

I found a roll of non-slip shelf liner in the kitchen section of Walmart.  I cut and stitched a strip of that on the backs of these.  They grip the plastic bottle and the aluminum can so the wraps stay put when they are picked up.  It works great!

My recipients are getting "one".  But me.....I need one here by my blog, one in the car, one in the other car, one by my sewing machine.....

Mom and I both need a Christmas one...

...and I have visions of Halloween...and there are so many color schemes and fabric collections.....

I do know that they'd be really cute with something appliqued on this strip pieced design too.  But I like them just strip least for now.

Drink up!


Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Fabric Book
...Page 4...
I'm a morning person.  In my jammies, I get my coffee and settle into a comfy chair for a while catching up with my flickr and blog contacts and friends...before joining the land of the living.
Little birdies are just a happy creature aren't they?
I decided to title this little fabric book "Inspiration" because I'm so inspired by many flickr users and bloggers in a variety of arts.  There's lots of things I want to try to get down on fabric without creating a larger work such as a wall hanging or quilt.  I want just a little bit of something to enjoy looking at.  Thus, whola!... a small book of inspired works.
I thank you all in this virtual world wide Internet for sharing your creativity.  Off I go to see what inspires me for another page.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Round Robin Quilt

Modern Mini Mystery Round Robin
quilts have returned to their beginnings.
My starter block went out last March like this...
...and has returned to me like this.
This is the first time I've ever participated in a round robin.  It was quite fun to get someone's quilt in the mail each month and see how it was progressing and a mystery to what the next person would add to it. 
When I had possession of a few of these little quilts for my border addition, I must admit that I wanted to keep them!  It was awesome to see a few inspiring borders up close and personal. 
The sheet I sent with my block for participants to sign along the way did not make it back with my quilt, so I've no clue who added which borders (except for the first and last borders).  So, please let me know which border you added if you were in my group.  Thank you!
Sadly, the quilt I had last has not yet arrived back to Samm.  It's been traveling now for 3-1/2 weeks!...yet cannot seem to find it's way.  This is very disappointing to me, as it must also be for her.  I've never had mail go lost before and she tells me she's never not had mail arrive.  We don't want to break these perfect records, so we're staying hopeful!
Thanks, Michele (at quiltsfrommycrayonbox  ) for all your diligent work and tracking for this round robin.  You've done a fabulous job!