This second Halloween quilt began to come to life in December 2015. I was ready for Christmas early and this Halloween quilt wanted to get started being made.
I wanted to make a Jelly Roll Race quilt. I began collecting Halloween prints and colors a couple of years earlier to cut my own Jelly Roll. But as I saw jelly roll race quilts being made, I saw that I wouldn’t be able to control how the colors landed together. A quilting control freak cannot live with that! I kept thinking on it and collecting and cutting 2.5” strips of fabrics.
Finally I hit on this plan of jelly roll race CONTROL.
I cut the strips into shorter lengths to maximize color EVERYWHERE.
It was fun to get this far, but I began to wonder if it was too wild and out of control.

But I kept going and for some reason, stopped taking progress photos. But I began to like it again when the black end strips were added. And I liked it even more when the checkerboard pieces began to be added.
Then I had to put it away to move back home. Back to my teeny tiny sewing space that was not inviting me to come sew in it. The quilt stayed packed up with the art quilt and another unfinished quilt for a years time.
I finally caught the sewing bug, worked on making my sewing space useable and began a mission to finish quilts. It was now this quilt’s turn. The rest of the checkerboard framing went faster than I thought it would. Soon I was quilting this quilt.
It took me a weeks worth of every free moment to get it quilted. And I only do straight line quilting.
I couldn’t believe I was finally about to bind this quilt.
I was so glad I chose the green for the binding.

I didn’t even notice the tiny green dots on the backing fabric until I was hand stitching the binding. What a lucky choice to do green binding.

I still struggle to believe this quilt got finished. But I love it. My daughter has already claimed it for herself. She’s Halloween crazy and color crazy. I’m thrilled she loves it too.
My photo helpers are a bit on the silly side.
It measures in at 68” X 84”
I did it. I finished it. I’m still trying to convince myself of that.
And there it goes, off with it’s new owner.
That’s now two of my three unfinished quilts finished! The third one is being quilted now. I’m getting pretty excited to start a new fresh quilt and get it from beginning to end. No more of this UFQ (unfinished quilt) sewing!
It’s time to get your creep on!