I’m linking my scrappy postcards to The Joyful Quilter’s blog for her May 2022 Table Scraps Challenge. https://thejoyfulquilter.blogspot.com/p/2022-table-scraps-challenge.html
Scraps are perfect for making postcards. Especially when they are scraps that you really hate to toss out. But I did toss these scraps out at first.
I’m working on a quilt using a bundle of Tim Holtz Eclectic Elements called Abandoned2. It was hard to not keep these pieces...until it finally dawned on me that I could make postcards with them! I immediately took a break from the two quilts I’m working on, pulled these scraps from the trash and made some postcards for my Tim Holtz grunge loving friends.
As well as a gift tag.
The desire to sew postcard is in full force right now.
I thought I’d try using the painter’s drop cloth as a postcard base. It works out really well. Of course serging the edges helps a great deal. This fabric has a great texture. I pulled out my scrap bin and just cut shapes with scissors and stitched them down to create a flower.
Oh, look Joy, there’s a square in this one! **snicker**
I think I might like creating a colorful garden of flowers. I certainly have the scraps to do just that.

I think I might like creating a colorful garden of flowers. I certainly have the scraps to do just that.
And then I got started on that garden...
I wish everyone a happy mail day!