It was about time for me to have a Christmas Quilt. This is it and just in time to enjoy it for a few weeks this Christmas.
I used Leila Gardunia’s Scrappy Triangles. A collection of 53 paper piecing blocks. I was hoping to use up some of the Christmas fabrics that have been in my stash for a long time. Using some up is the perfect excuse to shop for some new pieces...right?
I loved sewing the blocks and watching the design come to life, all the while listening to Christmas music...since just before Halloween.
I’m not one that names my quilts. But, this is when this Christmas quilt got its name, Bah-Humbug!The first column I stitched together on the right end revealed two blocks a bit smaller than the other six. That was not going to be good for this design. I was so upset thinking how many more will there be? I just wanted to throw the whole mess away! I already had so much time invested in the blocks. Within the hour I decided to sew it all together (trying not to notice how the blocks wouldn’t line up nicely), quilt it and donate it somewhere.
The other thing I didn’t like was needing to keep the papers on the blocks until they were all sewn together. (I started removing some paper from a few blocks but quickly realized I was going to have an even bigger struggle than just mis-sized blocks). I did remove the seam allowance papers to make it easier to press the seams.
Guess what? There were no other mis-sized blocks! Only the two on the end. That made me happier. I was also very happy to get those papers off.
But then I began quilting the thing.
It seemed like a lot of black. I thought I’d give the black some interest by stitching with red thread. I worried about it for awhile before starting. My fear was realized just as I knew it would be. I cannot sew a straight line to save my own life let alone someone else’s. It really shows on the solid black. I knew I gave this quilt the right name! At this point I couldn’t wait to get it done and get it out of my sight. So much so that I had to take a break from it and try a Christmas pillow instead.
For the pillow I used the smallest Triangle Ruler.
I just used scrap bits left after finishing the quilt blocks.
This was calming my upset over the quilt.
I don’t really know how I feel about the design for a pillow, but I do know that I liked it better than the quilt, mostly because it was not near the trouble the quilt has been.
When I was finished with quilting the quilt and it was no longer just 12 or so inches away from my face, the crooked straight line quilting stopped bothering me because it wasn’t noticeable.
As I was hand stitching the binding, I realized that it was the exact detail the quilt needed. At that moment I fell in love with this quilt!
I think it’s bold and subtle at the same time. I love that.This quilt measures 58” square. Just right for cuddling under to watch Christmas movies.
Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night.