My art calendar journal for
--- March ---
is ready for me to document the pleasantries of my days. And no unpleasantries if I can help it.
I originally planned for this first year, to go with all the traditional colors and holiday themes for the months. But I struggled with March so much, that I have completely switched horses for most of the rest of the year. Because this project needs to be enjoyable.
Needless to say, I will be happy to move on from these traditional designs. But I still LOVE this project!
February is all filled in. It was a month that was surprisingly overfull of fun crafting for so many days of the month. That did not make me unhappy at all!
I could stand a bit more variety of fun, but this satisfied me well enough for now. I decided to write in the blocks with "mostly" only red, pink and violet pens.
Have a lucky March!