Monday, September 10, 2018

Sewing again!

I have finally gotten back to sewing again!  One thing that kept me away from it is my teeny tiny sewing space now that I am back home.  It was not at all inviting.  I moved more stuff out of it to make space for cutting and pressing.

It isn’t even so much the lack of space as it is that dang low slanted ceilings.  I hate them.  I am tall.  Then there’s the awful striped wallpaper.  All still better than no space at all.

Even a mini design wall is better than none at all.

I’m a little disappointed that this large bottle holding my wooden spool collection cannot be kept within this tiny space.  But priorities must be met.

I have four unfinished quilty projects.  The first needing to be finished was my sewing machine cover that I started a year ago.

I was very ambitious when I started this improv piecing.  I did a little more, but I had no patience to finish it.  So I cheated on the back and sides.

I don’t see those sections much anyway.  So I moved on to quilting the thing.

It’s quite less than perfect and I don’t care.  At least I don’t have to throw a dish towel over my machine anymore.

So tacky!

This is much better.

Now I can get down to some serious sewing!

Monday, September 3, 2018

Calendar Journals

Have a peek at what I did during August.  Just barely by the end of the month I got back into doing some sewing!  YAY!  

You will notice on the 17th that I began training for the company’s sewing jobs.  Oddly enough, that seems to have been what finally spurred me into action to get back to sewing.  I’d been wanting to, but just wasn’t actually getting at it.  Just small stuff at the moment.  But I will be working on three largish quilt pieces that have been waiting SO long for me.  (At least I hope to stay motivated to work on them).

And September is in the making.

Again I’ve let the scrapbook paper do all the design work.  I just added some die cut lettering, rubber stamped year and some Washi tapes.

I hope to fill lots of day squares with “sewing”.  I truly have missed it.

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Calendar Journal and a Gift

There isn’t much arts and crafts going on over here these days, but I still keep my calendar journals.  July is complete.

August is in the happening stages.

This paper did all the designing work for me.

I wrapped a very tiny gift.  I didn’t measure it, but it’s in the neighborhood of the size of a credit card and an inch deep.  That’s pretty much all I’ve done creatively.

I’m putting as many miles on this new bike as I can.  112 miles to date in less than a month’s time.  It would be more if it weren’t so humid out this past month.

I’m not looking forward to the coming cold weather.  I hate it when biking weather comes to an end.  I’m planning on enjoying what’s left of it.

Have a great August!

Sunday, July 8, 2018

Cards and Calendar Journal

So many birthdays this month.  But I’ve only made a couple of cards. 

Supplies: Card base, inks, acrylic paints, modeling paste, stencils, rubber stamping, die cuts.

June 2018 is complete.  The year is half gone already!

Working on July

The usual supplies:  scrapbook paper, modeling paste, watercolors, rubber stamping, stencils.

Sunday, June 3, 2018

Calendar Journals and Father’s Day Card

My May 2018 Calendar Journal is complete.

There’s a lot of cycling going on these days.  Bicycle LOVE!

Working on June now.

Father’s Day card

The envelope

That’s the extent of my creativity lately.

I’m getting back on my bicycle now as that is what I love doing most at the moment.

Friday, May 25, 2018

Altered Photos

Another technique I have admired and long been afraid to try is altered photo art.  Dive in, I told myself.  What’s the worse that can lands in the trash bin?  Exactly.  

Begin with a photo.  (This can be done with any size photo). I like postcard art, so I began with a 4”X6” photo of my parents house where I grew up and also spent several years recently.  If you sent mail to me in California, this is where it landed.

Here it is altered using Gesso, sand paper, rubber stamping, Washi tapes Distress Inks, Tombow markers, a water brush and Tim Holtz Paper Dolls. 

I’ve done this technique twice now.  The above postcard was my second try.  My first go at this technique started with this house photo.  A house in my neighborhood.

Here it is altered.  This one was intended to be on the creepy, spooky side.  I think I achieved that somewhat.  Same supplies used as mentioned above.

It was hard for me to have an actual plan for these altered photos.  Even though I tried to have one.  They came together just one step of trying and experimenting at a time.  Not the easiest process I’ve ever tried, but it was fun.  Especially using photos that I took of real houses.

Friday, May 18, 2018

Postcard Mail Art

A few postcards that have been sent out as mail art.

This first one is spray inked with Distress Inks for the background.  Stamped with words and a butterfly.  Then die cuts from white cardstock.

Next is my most recent abstract with acrylic paints, Washi tapes, stamping and my favorite supply, modeling paste.

Last is this postcard stamped on scrapbook paper with this awesome type writing machine stamp.  I just love this old type design.  

All I added was Washi tape pieces of alphabet and the woman is also Washi tape trimmed very close.  I have a pen pal friend who loves typewriters as I do.
Wishing everyone a happy mail day!

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

April/May 2018 Calendar Journals

Let me see, which day block shall I write...
“I’m becoming a lazy blogger” ?

April is history already!

I became officially old a few days ago... I am now on Medicare.

Living through May now.  

It’s my fault that it does nothing but rain now.  I had my bicycle readied for riding and rode only one single day to work and now it will rain waaay too much to please me.

Sunday, April 22, 2018

Bird Challenge Postcard

At the Sunday Postcard Art Blog this week, the challenge theme is BIRD.

I love birds in my art.  I had plenty of notice and time to play.  Birdie gave me fits though.  He’s on a rubber stamp and I decided I wanted to give him a little more color than what was on the background.  He began to turn into such a mess.  Although I’m not completely pleased, he finally reached a passable appearance which saved him from a trash bin time out.  Lucky little fellow.  That was a near miss.  

I used inks on this postcard, so my attempt at adding some white backfired.  I’d so quickly forgotten that the modeling paste put on top of inks takes up the ink colors while drying.  But, added texture is good.  Right?

Happy Mail Day!

Sunday, April 15, 2018

Abstract Postcards and Art Journal

I’ve a great passion for mail art and am having loads of abstract fun.

This postcard changed since being posted previously.  The postcards seem to appear a bit dull without some white.  

And that’s usually when the modeling paste comes into play.  When the paste is put over acrylic paint and Archival Ink, it stays white.

This is the last art journal page I have for now.  I haven’t been painting with large amounts of paint where there would be some left over.  The postcards are small and they don’t take much paint.  Also no new techniques being tried at the moment.  I’m too hooked on the postcard art.

This was a hard page to find a design for.  I did one element at a time then let it sit until something else came to mind.  So many times I just wanted to tear the page out and toss it to the trash.  And not just for a time out either.

I’m hooked on modeling paste.  I love the stuff!

It’s an icy mess outside weather wise.  The perfect excuse for indoor art play.

Friday, April 6, 2018

March/April Calendar Journal

March 2018 was a bit hectic life-wise, compared to how mundane my life normally is.  Still nothing exciting.  Some crafting fun though.

I’m surprised that I find a little something to write about everyday.  I always expect there to be lots of blank blocks.  I was so excited to stumble across that envelope closure Washi tape!  As well as a lot of other new rolls of Washi tapes.

And so April begins now.

What do you want to bet that something really exciting happens on the 12th and 19th and I’ve no room to write it.  The design of this month is definitely lacking. My first plan for the word “April” was a fail but the tree was already there.  I couldn’t just toss it out and start over.  I’m so enamored with the effects of modeling paste.  It’s such fun.

I also sometimes forget to put the date numbers on my master before I copy it to the design paper.  Then I’m punished by having to do them twice.  Argh!

  Having filled in blocks will take care of the lack of designing creativity.  It’s sometimes hard to remember that and visualize it through the entire calendar page.     

Wishing everyone happy April days!