Tuesday, November 13, 2012

*** BIRDS ***
--------------- they're everywhere! ---------------
or at least, they will be

My favorite magazine in the world arrived with a cute birdie on the cover...

...but the instructions to make them were way too much trouble for me.  So I re-invented a process that suited my lazy style

Instead of carving a linoleum and printing it on some kind of
 fancy paper I have no clue about, I used printed scrapbook papers (a cardstock weight) and did a little greeting card recycling as well for my papers of choice.   

I don't make for a happy hand stitcher so I used a machine blanket stitch to hold them together.

They of course started out like those in the magazine...

...but soon I decided they needed tail feathers.

They also soon lost their button eyes for sequin and glass bead eyes...ahh...shiny!

...shake your tail feathers!...

I'm trying to get their wings to stick out a bit by gently curling them without creasing the paper.

These stuffed paper birdies have been awfully fun for me to make.  I'm not sure yet whether you'll find them hanging all over the house or hanging all together on a cord.  Or both! 

I started thinking I needed some Christmas birdies for the holidays, but they might not happen.

Take creative flight!

Saturday, November 3, 2012

--- A Fabric Book ---
of a sort
I've wanted, for such a long time, to create a fabric book ... of a sort.  I've been inspired by so many that I've seen.  So I finally set my mind to come up with a style of book that appeals to me.  Most I've seen are a soft, somewhat flimsy style.  While I love them made by others, I am not inspired to make one myself.  I finally looked to my love of scrapbooking for inspiration and, by george, I think I've come up with a style that will keep me inspired to continue adding pages when the inspiration strikes.
I went to Hobby Lobby in search of a "book" to start with.  I decided on this one. 
I did not save the paper sleeve it came with, so, sadly I cannot report the make and model of this book.
I "thought" originally I'd be able to stitch the fabric pages right to the paper pages without taking the book apart.  Nope, that didn't work.  So, apart the book had to come.  It has lined craft pages, photo pages and pocket pages.

I'm working with the lined craft pages and discarding the photo and pocket pages. 
I'm not really discarding them, just not planning on using them.
I haven't decided how I want the cover to look, so I'll wait for inspiration on that.  In the meantime, I've started on the pages.  Page 1 it seemed appropriate to dedicate my first book to the two people in my life who most influenced my love of stitching and crafting.
From there, my fabric pages will just be whatever I'm inspired to create.  Sometimes the page will have a special memory or meaning to me, and other times it will just be something I like to look at.
The child image is from Lisa's Altered Art but this little darlin'  triggers memories for me.  I have continually attempted to add her to a postcard, but then I want to keep the postcard...and I already have too many postcards.  Now that she's in my fabric book I'm completely satisfied.
This is a card I found that I very much enjoy looking at.  I printed it to fabric, added the words at the top and quilted it. 

And so, this is how my fabric book will progress.  At least I hope it will continue to progress.  It kind of feels like scrapbooking without the  pressure of keeping up with the time frame of life.  Now THAT, I like!

And... now that "Little Darlin" is in my fabric book, I was, without hesitation, finally able to add her to a postcard.  She's tired of me and yearns to go on a  postal journey.  Does her sweetness and innocence appeal to you?

Page 4 is calling to me....off I go.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Spam Bloggers
-----  what a sad, sad life  -----
When I first began blogging a bit over a year ago, the spammers didn't know I existed.  What a wonderful time of blogging life, eh?  Well, "anonymous" has found me and apparently we are new best friends.  Anonymous leaves comments on my blog several times a day now.
That's ok, I don't mind.  I know right where the delete button is.  And I commend Blogger on a job well done.  Those spam comments never actually post to my blog comments. 
I'm not going to turn on word verification to deter them either.  That would be annoying to you.  And it's so, so simple to just go into my comments and clean out the spam and even easier in my email to just click delete on messages from my new best friend "anonymous".  This does not make my life miserable.  I see no good reason to make your life miserable with word verification. 
Blogger, keep up the good work against spam bloggers!
Some very lovely blogging friends have expressed concern in my less frequent posts.  Well, I've been busy with other than the pleasantries of stitching.  Please make note that this is not by choice. 
Sewing time is drastically limited these days and when I do get time, it's been consisting of small postcard projects...that will have been noticed I'm sure.  Good thing for me I LOVE making those dang things!  Thank you for missing me.  More sewing time will come and I will be ready for it!
I have been working at a snail's pace on something a little different.  Actually a lot different for me.  I'll be back soon...

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Sunday Postcard Art

this week's design challenge at
A blog of weekly postcard theme challenges
The Raven
The background is printed fabric from a digital collage sheet by Digital Collage Sheets.com, the leaf is from a silk fall arrangement and is floating.  Held in place by the stitching on the branch and the raven.
Ravens and crows and blackbirds all fall into the same bird box to me.  I love them for Halloween and Fall decorating, but the real things can be pretty annoying at times. 
The artists participating in these challenges are mostly paper crafters and digital design crafters.  But all mediums are welcome, so I couldn't resists participating this week since I've been playing around with Halloween/Fall birds lately. 
Autumn Day was traded to Sandra.  She is known as ladyinblack1964 on Flickr.
Blackbird In Fall is still traveling through our postal system to a surprise recipient.
Happy Fall

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Delivery Confirmation
This service can only track your package to a specific city and zip code.  It does not track to a specific delivery address.  
 I've gotten this same information from a post office in Wisconsin and just this week checked here in California to be sure the info hasn't changed.
But I kind of had to drag this specific info out of the clerk.  I'm sure she wanted to collect the money for the service if she could.  But that kind of service is a waste of money for two reasons:
1)  For delivery confirmation, I can contact the person I'm mailing the package to and ask them if it was received...for free.
2)  If this service cannot track to the address delivered to, there's no hope of getting a mis-delivered package back or delivered correctly...unless the recipient is honest and caring and returns it to the post office out of the goodness of their heart.
I know lots of folks are not going to believe me on this, so all you need do is ask a postal worker when you mail your package.  But be sure to ask very specifically if the package can be tracked to the specific physical address it was delivered to. 
You'll get information that your package was delivered within the city it was addressed and within the zip code it was addressed and on what date and at what time, but you will not be able to find out exactly what address it was delivered to. 
With the many varied swaps going on all over the world, the post office makes pretty big money on this service that does you no good.  I cannot count the number of times I've read that someone mailed their work with delivery confirmation and tracking.  I just shake my head and hope for them that it doesn't get mis-delivered, because this service will not help find where that package went.

May all our mail be delivered properly!

Fat Orange Cat is going to live with Ellen
 Little Red Birdie is going to live with Lesley

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Some Fun Mail Days
...you know, the kind without bills... 
 This postcard was mailed to Annie.  She always says "Create Your Life".  What a great saying, huh.  And a good plan to do so as well. 
This postcard went to Sheila.  I mused for quite some time over a design for Sheila's postcard.  This design came to mind as a reflection of how I visualize Sheila's personality. 
Are you familiar with IHAN (I Have A Notion) blog?  Kelly posts photos of a neighborhood home that displays several pink flamingos performing entertaining antics.  Kelly has formed the Flamingo Flock Fan Club.  I have so enjoyed the flamingo's antics that I couldn't resist sending the homeowners a piece of fan mail.
My play time has diminished over the past couple of weeks but that doesn't stop me from getting 10 to 30 minutes here and there and whenever I can.  Lately it seems that everything I start reaches a point of what's next?...because I don't usually plan an entire project.  I start with the idea and make it up as I go along.  So my latest ones are all at the what's next? stage.  But I have a couple of homeless postcards that I've been enjoying for a while.
This sweet Little Red Birdie is looking for a new home and so is...

...this Fat Orange Cat. 
So it's time to find happy homes for them?  Would that by any chance be your home?  Tell me!

Monday, September 10, 2012

It's a


I LOVE to craft - I HATE to cook 

First, *begin rant* why is it people automatically think that if you hate to cook, that you can't cook good food?  I may not like to cook, but I also don't like to eat bad food.  *end rant*
I've kept my family's all-time favorite food recipes in my head and in this book that I received as a gift back in 1985. 
It only holds the absolute favorites of recipes, so there really aren't all that many.  But the book is coming apart.
For years I've been wanting to craft a more fun way to store these recipes.  Lots of ideas have come to mind but none that really grab my attention.  Then a few days ago I saw a recipe card contest and I knew immediately what I wanted to do with these special recipes.

I started with a really simple recipe that is just in my head and no specific measurements.  I wanted it to all fit on the front of the card.  I love how it came out so I tried another one. 

 So fun !!!
Here's what I'm not telling you.... I was going to submit one for the contest.  However, they don't return your work.  Which means I needed two.  One for them, one for me.  Well, I don't want to do two the same.  I want to get along to making my next recipe card. So, to heck with a contest! 

And the backs are getting a bit dressed up as well. 

I haven't yet worked out how I want to do the longer recipes. Maybe a card that folds, so-to-speak.  I like ingredients and instructions both visible at the same time 
I think I'm going to have bunches of fun working on these.  I got a paper mache recipe box at Hobby Lobby that I will cover and decorate...maybe. 
I'd really like to find a clear acrylic box for this project.

Wow, this almost makes me think I could like cooking....nah!...that'll NEVER happen!

Saturday, September 1, 2012

a Thank You Note   
I usually start a project, large or small, with either a finished visual idea in my noggin or I start with just a beginning idea.  But never with anything set in stone, because I just never know how it will progress from my original idea.  Such was this project.
I received this thank you note from Caroll, West Michigan Quilter , after sending her a fabric postcard.

Blossoms and Buds by Cheri Blum
I think it's a pretty still life picture.  I copied this card to fabric at a postcard size.
I had some flowers of my own to put into the bottles, then I highlighted the flower centers, the stems and glass jars with thread.
The flowers are from Lisa's Altered Art 
While I stitched away on this postcard, I contemplated whether I would send this altered Cheri Blum back to Caroll or make it a new offering to my followers.  I don't know why, but when I finished stitching, this little piece of altered art didn't have a postcard personality.  It took on a doorknob quilt personality. 
What I learned while playing with this piece...  those printed flower inchies from Lisa's Altered Art didn't come out quite as bright as I would like them to have, so I wondered "what would happen if" I colored them a bit with my Prismacolor colored pencils.
It did the trick, brightened them right up.  These pencils colored on the Magic Fabric so nicely.
I'm sure these pencils will not be washable.  If I wash this little quilt and if the pencil washes out, I don't really care.  I can color them again or not. 
I think this little quilt has an old antiquish look with modern flowers bringing it into the twenty-first century rather than out to the yard sale table.  I like it. 
I love how these little doorknob quilts can add a bit of life to an ordinary setting.
Keep an eye out for inspiration...

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Delightfully Wonderful

When I asked you, my followers, to help feed my addiction to making and mailing fabric postcards, you were more than willing to be enablers!  I chuckled then feeling so happy to have new recipients for my cards.  And I chuckle now from the sheer joy it brings me to create these cards for you.  So, to you, I say ...

The first two cards I offered to share brought back some wonderful responses in regard to why you would have liked to receive that particular card.  One response triggered some thoughts for me that I wanted to design a card specifically for her based on what she had said in her comment and afterwards in our short correspondence.

This postcard was made for Marlene of stitchinbythelake. I so enjoyed creating this one and I miss having this card around to look at.

There are a couple of other responders requiring special cards that I haven't gotten to yet.  Some provoke an idea a lot quicker than others.

And a couple of followers have consented to swap/trade with me.  One being Leah of quilteddelights .  I got trapped in a bluebird stage and this bluebird flew to Leah's house.

The postcard Leah made for me is this beautifully designed and stitched scene that I call By the Sea.  I just want to unfold my beach chair and umbrella and sit a while here.  Thanks so much, Leah!

I found Penny of Zuni Mountains Quilter on flickr admiring my Always Look Your Blooming Best postcard.  After a bit of correspondence with Penny, this is the postcard I made specifically for her. 

The immediate meaning was how short on time so many of us live with.  But as I was creating the card, the amount of "time" involved within our lives began to play into the design more and more.  I titled it, "Have Time?"  But now I think it should have been "The Time of Our Life".  I'm pretty sure Penny will connect with every meaning this card presents...and then some.

I'm working on a quilt that is taking some time and I really want to get back totally involved with it, but postcards keep invading my mind making my fingers itch to bring them to life.  I just can't help but stitch them up.  I maybe need a 12-Step Program here!

In a few days my sweet cousin is having a birthday. 

I'm really having fun with my swirls!

And now, here's one that came to mind without a specific recipient in mind.  Which means that it's up for grabs by you.  Does this one appeal to you?

Names that I've come up with for this one are rather morbid...like, My Days Are Numbered and Life Is Short.  Pretty sad, and I'm really stumped, so what name would you give it?  (You don't have to name it to be chosen to receive it)

I so love you all, my followers...my enablers.  (smiles from me!)

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Doorknob Quilts

When the birthday girl doesn't need or want anything, that's when a handmade gift is most appreciated.  Well, that's what I think anyway.  But I had no clue what to make.

As I have previously mentioned, I recently discovered a wonderful artist blogging as bohemiannie! art .  Annie is also on flickr .  I find Annie's work is immensely inspiring to me.  In a recent blog post Annie talked about her "doorknob quilts".  Well, I had lots of questions about those.  Although I had an idea what they were, I wanted to be sure.

I also knew right away that's what the birthday gift would be. 

 So while I worked on my doorknob quilt, I was taken back a couple few years when I was making these small wall art pieces that could have been considered doorknob (or any knob) art.  However, they were constructed similar to my fabric postcards.  They were always intended for specific recipients too. 

This one has always been my favorite.  Made for a friend who is 100% capable of saying this to anyone who provokes her.
(I found this saying on a piece of art in a magazine ad somewhere)
(Photo by Natasha Reed .  I have her permission to use her photo)

This one next was for another friend (that's her in the photo).  She was willing to look silly and pose with Charlie for me.  She had no clue what I was going to do with her photo.

This one next is so me.  But I made it for someone who is just like me.
(The child image is from Lisa's Altered Art )

But I think now I'm ready for small soft hanging doorknob (or any knob) quilts.  And the birthday gift is now finished.  I hung it on a chair (they can hang anywhere) for photos.

(My design is inspired by Roben-MarieSmith's art work)

I haven't done free motion quilting in years (because I seriously don't like doing fmq).  But I wanted a bit of a sloppy sketchy over watercolor look with the thread and figured I was enough out of practice to get that look.

I think the sloppy look came pretty easily!  But I was actually trying not to be too sloppy.  Although I hate fmq, I'm having fun with this style...so I hope I don't get too good at the fmq that I loose the "sloppy" look.  Good grief, who says that!

I wanted a very dainty "sketchy" sort of bow to tie the hanger to the quilt, so I used four strands of thread through stacked buttons.  I like that!

Sadly, this style of work is not really the birthday girl's style.  I still hope she likes it anyway.  She's been liking some of the strange stuff I've been doing lately, so we'll see.

That Tweeter is my fave little birdie.
