Sunday, March 6, 2016

Mad March Hare Postcard

This week at the Sunday Postcard Art challenge blog the theme is Mad as a March Hare.  This theme worked perfectly for my Mad March Hare Easter postcards.  

The fun White Rabbit needed to be on the address side of my postcard this time.

I did not think up this idea.  I saw it on Pinterest and the only link I could find to the envelope artwork and artist was Here .  You will need to scroll down until you come to the envelope.

This is what I've done for the message side.  I will write a personal message in the center.

I just couldn't resist recreating this art piece for my Easter postcards.  Of course my Hare is a rubber stamp, White Rabbit Late by Deep Red Clingstamps.  


Thursday, March 3, 2016

Calendar Journal - February 2016

What was I thinking when I decided on this journaling plan?!  Kind of a pain to finish once I was started, but at least it turned out fun looking.  I kept notes and typed a bunch of days at once three different times.  Adding all the Washi Tape and Hearts was the most fun.

I got through it and I'm glad this journaling plan is over.

I do hope I won't need to go looking for anything documented in this month.  It's pretty much a lovely jumbled mess.  

On to March now.

Monday, February 29, 2016

Watercolor Mail Art

I keep trying to make watercolors work for me.  When something happens that I like, I'm always shocked and pleased.  I did these envelopes and card fronts with Tombow markers and water.

When I tried to recreate the same look, of course it didn't work.  That is not always a bad thing.  But this envelope below and card really needed some help.  I pulled out my neocolors to fix both.  I forgot to take a photo of the fixed envelope.  This one isn't totally lacking, but it was much brighter when it was mailed.

The marker watercolors were really lacking on the card, but the neocolors blended well.

I did the brush lettering with the Tombow markers.  They were reviewed on amazon that their brush tips hold up well.  I don't find that to be true, so I'm pretty disappointed on that point.  With some practicing and writing the envelopes with black, then a bit more practicing play, the tip on the black marker is done.  I need to work on how not to let that happen. 

Wishing everyone a good mail day.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Altered Dictionary - L

The alphabet letter assigned to us this time is L

My word is LORGNETTE

I knew of these glasses but I did not know what they were called.  I do now.

The image is from a book titled Butterick's 1892 Metropolitan Fashions.  

(This book has a copyright date of 1994.  It is documenting patterns from 1892 with style description, pattern number, yardage required, some notions suggested and the pattern prices ranging from 10cents to 40cents.)

I couldn't believe my luck in finding this single fashion image with the lorgnette glasses.  She is photocopied to tracing paper, colored with a distress marker and colored pencils and spray glued to the dictionary page.

For the previous challenge I had done the word LOOK.  Here is the open book page spread.

Had I chosen these words in opposite challenges, I might have illustrated a man looking at the woman instead of daydreaming out the window.  She obviously isn't interested in him though!  LoL


Sunday, February 14, 2016

Love Postcard

This postcard is my entry for the Sunday Postcard Art challenge this week.

The challenge theme is Love Gives You Wings.
I thought the words were perfect.

The address/correspondence side.

I thought I wouldn't play this week as I couldn't think who I would send this card too.  My postcards are not digital, they are real and I don't like to just keep them, I want to mail them.  But I've never added wings to anything and wanted to give it a try.  Maybe I'll find someone to send it out to next Valentine's Day.  Wait! doesn't have to be just for Valentine's Day, so I'll be watching for any love opportunity to mail this one out. 

Happy Valentine's Day

Friday, February 12, 2016

Calendar Journal and Mail Art

January 2016 was a month of lettering play.  I also found something to write about every single day.  No filler blocks used.  I had a very playful month that I am very grateful for.

Much of my playful month was filled with mail art play.

My vbff (virtual best friend forever), Sheila, is having a birthday soon.

Some very late mail art went to Abby.  I have not heard whether this card and envelope arrived.  I do hope so.

And this postcard was some best fun to make.  Gina's father is celebrating his 88th birthday soon and she has plans to present him with at least 88 birthday greetings from around the world.  Her Papa loves mail art.

And lastly is a Valentine card.

Happy Valentine's Day to everyone!

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Altered Dictionary Challenge - F

This fortnight for the Craft Barn's altered dictionary challenge the letter to illustrate is F. And this time with the twist to include a heart.

My word is frippery.

I think she's being showy.
I inked the backside of tracing paper with a mix of distress inks.  On the reverse side I stamped the image with Black Soot distress ink, stamped a tiny heart with Barn Door distress ink and used color pencils to add hints of color.  I cut out the image and spray glued it to the page.  I used a dauber to highlight with Spiced Marmalade distress ink over the word and definition.

I did not know this word before I found it in this dictionary.  I always look for fun new words for this challenge.


I don't know what happens to the photos when they transfer to the blog.  When I take them they are clear, but by the time they get here, they look blurry.

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Mail Art LOVE

It's the month of Love.  And a bit of a different take on the subject from me this week.  This time I got out my neutrals bin of scraps for my postcard background collage.  Chopped and stitched.  Then a heart stitched on.  Then an envelope charm tied on.  And there you have love of mail art.

I must give credit to the Sunday Postcard Art.  This card started out as just another Valentine card.  But SPA challenged us to create a postcard and add a charm to it.  I had no ideas for a charm.  But after the heart was stitched on and I looked at the card, I decided it needed something more.  The SPA must have planted this charm idea into my subconscious and I remembered that I had a tiny stash of envelope and postcard charms....somewhere in this mess.  Of course they were in the last place I looked and literally hiding right out in the open.  Always the best place to hide something from yourself, or anyone else for that matter.  

"Just another Valentine" transformed into my love of mail art.  Especially for fabric postcards.  This one is in the mail on Monday.

Happy Mail Day!

Sunday, January 31, 2016

Orange Collage Butterfly

There was a butterfly in my mind wanting to be stitched.  But what color did it want to be?  The Sunday Postcard Art challenge made a delightful decision for me.  Orange.  Yes.  Perfect.

I have made well over 100 fabric postcards.  Yes, most of them have been mailed out.  114 of those can be seen in my Fabric Postcard Flickr Album.

In the beginning the ideas for them came in masses.  Now I struggle for new ideas for stitched postcards.  The recipient of this one has waited quite a long time.  My waiting list is now complete.  Now I'm just waiting on new and more ideas for stitching more postcards.  

Happy Mail Day!

Thursday, January 28, 2016

Alpha Dictionary Challenge Q

My favorite Challenge is back!
The Alpha Altered Dictionary Challenge

My most favorite ever challenge and I almost missed it.  I did miss getting the first challenge letter into the list of players, but that's no-never-mind for me.  I shall play from here and I'm already caught up.  This is the only year-long Challenge that I ever finished.

The letter this fortnight is Q
My chosen word is questionnaire.

Last time I chose queen and now this page spread is done.  Only like 500 more to go.  LoL

To start the challenge off last fortnight was the letter B.
I chose the word bookish.

I'm up-to-date and current now and so excited to be playing this fun altered dictionary challenge again.

My pages aren't much for artsy, but I am getting the look I want for this altered dictionary.  I think it's a form of art, just not the way others think of this challenge. 


Monday, January 25, 2016

Man In The Moon Postcard

It's been awhile since I've participated in the Sunday Postcard Art challenge.  When this week's theme came up for art with the Man In The Moon, I had to make a postcard and participate.  I recently came across this altered envelope on Pinterest, which is what was inspiring me.  I worked with thoughts of space and mail.  I actually found a couple of postage stamps to work into the design as well as using scrapbook paper, some Washi tape and rubber stamps.

You know the correspondence side is ready to go also.

Good Mail Day!

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Number Tags

The tag challenge blog up and ended before the numbers were complete.  I went ahead and completed the number series on my own.

First up is #6.  Just a chosen date that reflected the beginning of school and picture day. Vintage style with coffee stain and all.

The back of #6

And the final number, #7.  Our house number in Wisconsin.

The back of #7

Looking back I notice #0 never made it's way into the series.  Oh well.  It will NOT bother me.  At least not enough to go back to this number the moment.

I gathered all the tags together.  While I wasn't happen with some of them, I was very happy with others.  It makes no never mind.  The playing is what's important.

Count your blessings.

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Small Creations

This month's challenge at A Monthly Challenge is to think small.  Our little creations are not to be larger than 4"x4".  That's a fun size to play with.  I made coin envelopes.  They measure 4"X3".

The one on the left is made with a scrapbook paper then decorated with torn tracing paper and a bit /of Washi tape.  The one on the right is made with a craft paper and decorated with Washi tapes.

Reverse sides

They are such fun little envelopes to make.

Recently I found a new blog to check in on called The Lost Art of Letter Writing...Revived.  In November Pemela had challenged her readers to make an Autumn Matchbox.  After reading a few of Pam's posts, I felt strongly compelled to write a letter to her.  That must mean her blog is working.  It can't just be that I like mail art.  I didn't want to make a matchbox and I certainly didn't want to deal with mail it to arrive not crushed.  So I made little envelopes for her in the theme of postal/letter writing.  

I put the two tiny envelopes inside the coin envelope.  The smallest envelope measures 1-7/8" X 1-1/4".  Pretty tiny and so adorable.  I also made her card using a Jane Austen library card and a clip art of a writer with a fun ink well hat with her quills handy and note paper streamers.  

Then I wrote the letter.  While working on the envelopes and card, I kept wondering what to write to someone I don't know.  Well, surprisingly, I didn't have any problem finding some words to write.  With email so handy and instant these days, I don't have any "real" stationery on hand.  So I took sheets from note pads and just kept Washi taping them together.  This was a really fun project.

The library card is from a boxed set I found at Barnes & Noble.  They are copies of real library cards from the Library of Congress.


Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Journaling Craze

My December 2015 Calendar Journal was a fun month to document and attempt some more creative looking day blocks.

A creative lettering style that always catches my attention is now being practiced by me ..... a lot.  Along with other styles.  Drawing letters/words is a painstakingly slow process ..... for me.  I bravely even practice it on mail art envelopes too.  I'm not so good at it.  I'm not even going to say 'yet'.  But if you view it from, say, ten feet away, not too shabby looking.  LoL

On Pinterest I see loads of something new to me.  Bullet Journals.  From what I can figure about them is that they are just lists.  Daily lists.  And people go to a lot of work making these daily lists.

My mind is not what it used to be and it never is spending much time thinking about what I 'should' be doing.  It's always thinking about PLAYING.  This means it's necessary that I make myself lists.  On-going lists.  But I just keep a spiral journal on my desk always with the on-going list of things I need to remember to do, and dates of events that I need to remember are approaching.

The pages get flipped back and forth until 'stuff' gets crossed off.  It also contains ideas and drawing illustrations of ideas for PLAYING.  I even tape things into it that I don't want to loose.  And bits of trimmed off Washi Tapes.  All kinds of stuff really.  It's just what comes to mind at the moment that I don't want to forget.  Or a lot of things that I keep forgetting until I get it written down.  It keeps me on track and on time.

My conclusion to Bullet Journals is that I already have one in a more relaxed format.

Make your day creative!

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Making Cards

Happy New Year

Now that traditional Thanksgiving and Christmas are past, I am free to make Annie-style cards to send to my daughter and my friends.  The people who don't look at these cards as if I were out of my mind.   

So I had a play with postage people.  It's been a while.  Adolph S. Ochs has been patiently waiting in my stash for a body.  The man's body is a Tim Holtz Found Relative card.  Adolph went on a trip to Connecticut.

Butterfly lady is still traveling.  She came about from a long awaited play time to create in my own style.

Quiet Winter also is still traveling.  This card emerged from trying a technique I found on Pinterest.
And then lastly, I needed a Thank You note.
And now for a new year to start fresh again.  May 2016 be your best new year ever!


Saturday, December 26, 2015

Christmas Postcard Exchange

Last November I joined in a Christmas Postcard Exchange with other like-minded bloggers, hosted by Sheila at Sheila's Quilt World. I mailed my postcard to Lin in Paris. 

This card seems to have taken the scenic route, as it took a bit long in arriving. But finally arrived, it did.  just as I was about to start on a replacement postcard. Sometimes all we need to do is threaten our original mail art with replacement mail art. 

I did not have the long wait that Lin had. Her beautiful postcard arrived well before Christmas for my holiday enjoyment.

I love all these perfectly made hexies stitched together with such perfect and incredibly tiny, barely visible stitches. And something I've not seen before, teeny tiny beads stitched at each inside point. All finished off with a metallic thread satin stitched edge. Thank you so much Lin for this beautiful postcard. 

This day after Christmas is a great time to look back on Christmas Day and all the days leading up to it and reminisce on the beauty of this season with a smile. I hope everyone has happy hearts. 
